As someone that Jesus called out of the pagan world into his glorious grace, the attacks to change the nature of God to fit an Eastern god and worldview in the church are abundantly clear to me. Entry points for attack seem always to be targeted against the Lord’s sovereignty and/or His goodness, either having man misappropriate sovereignty toward himself or finding a way to deny His goodness—all apart from the truth of his divine attributes and the Word. It seems that all apostasy and heresy can be reduced to primarily misunderstanding one or both: His sovereignty and/or His goodness.
If Jesus is on the outside knocking, who is on the inside being worshipped? Revelation 3:14-22
God is unchanging and cannot be separated from His truth—He is Sovereign and Good, always.
Norman Geisler said, "Where you start is where you’ll end up." By this statement, he points out the fact that one who studies philosophies first for truth ends wherever that philosopher starts. For example, "start in nonreality, end in nonreality." He also said, "In with baloney, out with baloney." Well, as a reminder to us, I’d like us to begin every part of our lives with another saying,
Start with the Word, End with the Word.
"If you start with the culture, a theory, a new fad in the church...that’s where you’ll end. So, together, as we face the age of apostasy, let’s start with the Word, and end with the Word to 'discern the lies, live the truth.'"
—Dr. Arguello (Discern the Lies, Live the Truth, Montana 2020)
“I have chosen the way of truth; Your judgments I have laid before me.”
(Psalm 119:30, NKJV)