Ministry & Speaking

Dr. Arguello is again available for speaking engagements after returning from a sabbatical. She has completed her book series Stand. Pray. Watch. and the publication of the first in the series, Unearthing Yoga: Exposing Sorcery and Transcultural Reach (subtitle: Introducing the Yoga You Don’t Know, 84 Postures to Challenge You Beyond the Mat!) has been released! You can purchase here:

Alana has gained a broad range of education throughout her years that has provided her with an enormous amount of knowledge. She is one of the better scholars that I’ve seen be able to understand both difficult subjects and authors of academia, and then translate it purposefully to the lay audience with proficiency and clarity. It is clear her scope affords her to uniquely navigate error in philosophy, world religions, and theology with keen insight. In turn, she astutely applies how this error impacts culture, families, and Christendom, both yesterday and today.

 –Dr. Joseph Holden, President, Veritas International University

Subject areas: East Asian studies; yoga; classical theism/biblical nature of God vs panentheism/transtheism; world religions; apostasy and sorcery; values and ethics; bioethics; proof of the bodily resurrection; evolution theory and its impact on culture and the family; cultural movements and patterns; rhetoric, logic; and First Principles

*How all subjects relate to faith, the Gospel, the Commission, women, and the family.

Dr. Arguello also has a set of demonstrations and illustrations that can be duplicated for moms and women leaders to teach children and youth a right understanding of the biblical nature of God versus an Eastern pantheistic/panentheistic erroneous view of Him. She has demonstrated these at her Montana retreats, but they can easily be recreated at any location.

Previous Speaking Engagements


Stand Up For The Truth with Mary Danielsen

The Bob Dutko Show and click "Listen to WMUZ live" or download the free mobile APP by searching: "The official WMUZ App"

“Psychosocial Indicators of Cult Mentality and Communal Narcissism”

The Fields Church, Carlsbad, California, ISCA 2024

“Dividing the Gospel, Burying the Bodily Resurrection”

Southern Evangelical Seminary (NC), ISCA 2023

“Falling Away from Truth: Dividing God, Uniting the ‘Church’”

Southern Evangelical Seminary (NC), International Society Christian Apologetics 2022

“An Apologetic for Apostasy Awareness”

Aletheia Christian Fellowship (Kalispell, MT) 2021 Women’s Ministry

Discern the Lies, Live the Truth

Montana Annual Apologetics Montana Women’s Retreat 2020-

Women’s Weekend Retreat, Apostasy Apologetics for Women

“Masks, Myths, Magick: Remembering Eve, Following Jesus”

Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel Women’s Conference, Be Not Deceived

 Main Speaker (CO) 2021 Women’s Ministry

(Additional break training specifically for women’s ministry leaders)

“Trick or Truth? The Gospels, God and the Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ”

Sovereign and Good Flathead Valley, Montana, 2019

Nimrod’s Legacy: Cultural Migration of Religious Practices and Postmodern Syncretism

Sovereign and Good Bigfork, MT 2019

“The Age of Apostasy: Discern the Lies, Live the Truth”

Point Loma Calvary Chapel (San Diego, CA) 2018

Women’s Six-Week Apologetics Teaching Course

“Committing to the Word”

Shadow Mountain Community Church Military Wives Conference Speaker (CA) 2016


*Intermittently, as a military spouse, she’d host a Bible study or join her husband as he led several home Bible studies in their various places. She continues to serve in their current community. She was also the first military wives' ministry director for Shadow Mountain Community Church, San Diego, CA.

“I have chosen the way of truth; Your judgments I have laid before me.”

(Psalm 119:30, NKJV)